Complaints policy

1. Policy purpose

Bayview Italia S.r.l. (hereinafter also “BVI”) seeks to maintain and enhance its reputation by providing high quality services. BVI takes into consideration and evaluates the complaints (hereinafter also “Complaints”) received from the recipients of its services (hereinafter also “Customer”) with the utmost seriousness in order to improve the quality of the services offered.


2. Definition of a complaint

In this policy, Complaint means an expression of dissatisfaction by a customer relating to:  

  • services provided by BVI within the scope of its activity;
  • services provided by BVI to clients which BVI is the servicer.

The function responsible for the management of Complaints is the Closing Office of BVI.

3. How to lodge a complaint

Customers’ Complaints must be filed in a written form using the following means:

  • Via ordinary post or registered letter to Bayview Italia s.r.l., to the attention of the Closing Team, Piazza Armando Diaz 5, Milan, 20123;
  • Via email at the address
  • Certified email address


4. The information required to lodge a complaint

BVI, to be in the position to manage the Complaint, must be provided with the following information and documents:

  1. documents certifying the details of the Customer i.e.:
    • in case the Customer is a natural person, BVI will require the id or an equivalent document that certifies name, last name, address, fiscal code, place and date of birth;
    • in case the Customer is a company, BVI will require a certification of the Chamber of Commerce or an equivalent document that certifies, the name of the company, the fiscal code and the VAT number;
      in case the Customer is represented by a lawyer, in addition to the documents listed before, the lawyer will have to provide the copy of the power of attorney, filled with all the data of the Customer and of the lawyer, certifying that the lawyer has the full powers to represent such Customer. 
  2. a phone number of the Customer;
  3. description of the complaint and applicable borrower number (for example, where available, the NDG);
  4. a description of the factual background of the reasons of the Complaint;
  5. copy of any documentation or any information that can support the Complaint.

5. Monitoring Complaints

As part of our on-going improvement plan, BVI has established a deadline of 30 days to reply to the Complaints; whenever it would not be possible to reply to the Complaint within such time limit, BVI will have to send to the Customer a notification, informing about the new, longer, deadline, necessary to collect further documents and provide a final reply.
Within the deadline provided, BVI will have to investigate in detail the Complaint, in an objective and impartial way; whenever it would be necessary, BVI could contact the Customer to request an integration of the documents provided.


6. Complaints under investigation of an administrative and/or a public authority or of the Police.

If the Complaint is under investigation of an administrative and/or a public authority and/or of the Police, BVI could hold the process described in this Policy, providing all the necessary support to such authorities. 


7. Privacy

 The personal data will be stored and processed in compliance with the law as described in the form available at the following link


8. Revision history

 This section outlines the changes that have taken place since the process was originally approved. All approvals are on record and stored in the Operations shared-drive.